Pablo Labèque is a Graphic Designer, Art Director and Typographer born in Bayonne (France).

He received a Merit Diploma in Graphic Design, majoring in Print, at the Superior Institute for Applied Arts in Nantes, France, and a First Class Bachelor Degree in Graphic Design, majoring in Publishing at the University of Upper Brittany, Rennes, France.

His exploratory and artisanal approach to graphic design has led him to work with a variety of clients across cultural, commercial, local government and non-governmental organisations, such as the Château de Versailles, the Centre des Monuments Nationaux, Fedrigoni, the University of Bordeaux, AIDES, Coalition PLUS and the band Bandit Bandit. 

His work has been exhibited at the Lieu Unique and the HAB gallery in Nantes, and the Fedrigoni showrooms of Lyon and Paris.
